Monday, June 4, 2007

I need a collander for my brain!

The whirlwind of today leaves me with little inspiration to think creatively given that I've still got 101 things to do in less time than is allowed to do it in. Either way, a little blogging might help.
Today the team with whom I work got to spend time working with one of our newest colleagues, Wendy. While problem solving a work-in-progress for the fall, we learned a lot (isn't a lot a poor word choice? Yeah, that' what you get when you think too much in a day) from each other. This is a luxury not often afforded in our positions. I look forward to my next (and last) two days as a facilitator. I shant dwell here at the moment, because it will mark another sad ending in my life. I'll deal more with that and my beloved colleagues on another day.
But for today, I have a date with Roto-rooter, must install cabinet doors, and find a business-casual outfit to wear on Thursday! Never a dull moment.


Kirsten said...

Ingrid - Love the title. It is all so, so true. I've now have a new way to discribe being under pressure and having way to much to do. Trying to prioritize isn't always so easy. "I need a collander for my brain!" Thanks for sharing. By the way. I am also a teacher from fort wayne. i teach with sarah amick. good luck with your blog. You are off to a great start!

Sarah Amick said...

We were just discussing today at lunch how some of us feel disjointed and not like we're really connecting. Like a "collander." Hope you are doing well with all your change. Do you like change? What steps are you taking to maintain the positive? When change happens for me I find that I have to make sure I have the mindset for it. I have to have a "I choose to be..." attitude.

Kathy Douglas said...

I am so glad you started to blog. I will miss your "Ingridisms" so much next year. Now I can come to your blog and maybe get a taste of them again. I will miss bouncing all my crazy wild ideas off of you. You never make me feel stupid, even if my ideas are. I will miss wondering every time you come into the room what hairdo you will have today! Hey, maybe we need to make a list of all the things I will miss about Ingrid! You've got to promise we can still get together at least once in awhile...okay????

Ingrid said...

RE: Kirsten...thanks for the words of encouragement. :)

Re: Sarah. I don't prefer change, but I realize that it's part of life and that I grow more when change happens, so I don't like it for it's sake alone, but relish in it when it needs to happen for the greater common good. :)

Re: Kathy....obviously will miss you too...and in regard to bouncing ideas around, there' still this handy little invention called a telephone. Let's use it and e-mail, and now blogging. Don't forget, keep writing down your thinking about your thinking in your books. I need to ask Cathy if I can write in her book... ;) Hugs!!