Thursday, November 6, 2008

In Search of my tail

Being an Assistant Principal gives new meaning to my old saying in regard to "how things are going." My standard answer alluded to being like a dog chasing my own tail. The difference is that I used to have my own tail in sight, but now, I know it's there, I just can't see it.
The increase in expectations and responsibilities is great ( I mean that in an oh-my-gosh-can-I-do-this kind of way.) It's wonderful. Exhilarating, yet exhausting. Tonight, I know that I am going to wake up with the same pile I left on my desk. I walked away at about 6:00 tonight, and knew I needed to walk away. When I start making mistakes, it's time to walk away.
I am now acclimated to the building, though being in the office really does keep you from feeling part of the pulse of the building. The staff at the school is great (and that's being said, knowing that the honeymoon phase is over.) I finally have more time to reflect meaningfully on where we are going as a school. For a while, all I could do is figure out the politics, the academics, and role in my new setting. Now, I can reflect on everything in order to make decisions based on what's in regard to our vision. My two intern supervisors, Jeff and Jennifer gave me wings, and my present supervisor/team-mate let's me fly.
I can't wait to see what we can accomplish. I hope to be able to have more time to blog about my first year as an AP. It will help reflect on what's working and what needs to be done better.


Sarah Amick said...

So glad you have chased your tail back here! I think the best phrase in edcuation should be: "October sucks!"
Why is it that everything comes due, is appropriated, and finalized during the month of October? Again, refer back to my first comment.

Kathy Douglas said...

I, too, am glad you are back. I love to read your reflections. I know things were hectic there for awhile. Hopefully, it will slow down and allow you to do what you do best: support others. I love coming to your school. The teachers are so accepting and eager to learn. See you soon!