Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Cost of High-Maintenance, part deux

So, as I continue my trek toward dressing like the grown-up that I am, I make small changes. One change was the realization of the purse. I wear a lot of brown, and though the black purse I had went with "anything," wouldn't a brown purse be better, when I'm wearing brown? Thus the addition of the brown purse, followed shortly by the smaller-but-with-lots-of-pockets black purse. With the stage set, I will finish the tale...
During Winter Break, a piece of equipment was delivered to school that was damaged by the deliverer. I had informed the folks in the affected department that I would take a picture of the damage. I searched high and low for my battery charger as my camera's battery was kaput. In my searching, I looked in all the places that were logical. In a week, the damaged equipment is fixed and the camera is not necessary, however, where in the bloody heck is my charger? Finally, one night, in one of my many middle-of-the-night waking sprees, I get an idea...
I tiptoe into the dark recesses of our new closet, reach high on the shelf and retrieve nothing other than one of my new purses. One of my "logical" places, in which I had previously looked, was my purse (as I cart the charger home often)...but it never occurred to me to check more than one purse. Of course the charger was in the black purse, but I learned a valuable lesson. If you're trying to be high-maintenance, the price is constant vigilance...second case in point...I just found my driver's license in my brown purse tonight as I was emptying all it's contents. I didn't even know it was missing. Next lesson? If you're going to change purses, empty everything out before you do, 'cause you won't get back to it!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Cost of High Maintenance

On the clothes front, I am not high maintenance. On the shoes front, I am not high maintenance. On the hair and make-up gig, I am NOT high maintenance...well, at least I didn't used to be! My maintenance comes by way of my need to socially construct my knowledge with colleagues and friends, and my desire to know as much as possible to be the best that I can be. I don't have time for clothes, shoes, and hair accessories. About a year and a half ago, I had friends over for a "what not to wear" party. I asked them (all well-dressed and pseudo-high maintenance) to help pull me out of my personal wardrobe nightmare. As it turned out, they found very few of my items that needed to "go." I was pleased to hear my buddies say that I had some nice pieces, I just needed to combine them better and get a few jacket, black pants, yaddah, yaddah. I have been slowly collecting these, dare I say, necessities.

Now that I am at my new school, I have run into a few ladies who have given me a few fashion tips. These are ladies who sacrifice themselves for the heel. Ladies with fine coifs and a sassy fashion sense...they picked up where my what-not-to-wear friends left off. Sometimes I'll have something new on, and all I have to do is show it, and raise an eyebrow. They read my brow and give me an encouraging thumbs up, or a "you could wear that with this...." So, I continue my trek toward trying to look appropriate, but I found a cost....unfortunately time is of the essence this evening, so I can't get into it. I've got dinner to prepare and a president to watch. I will finish this tale soon, and reveal my cost for a delving into the high maintenance world...