Monday, June 9, 2008

2008 Meinvent

Yes, the date is correct. It is now June, and I have not only made it through my middle school internship, but decidedly liked much of it. It was rocky at first--mainly because I was slaying my own demons regarding middle school (having nothing to do with the current context in which I found myself.)
Today, however, is my first official day of my reinvent, or as I've titled today's blog, my "2008 MEinvent." As of today, I have 49 days with which to prepare myself mentally, physically and in any other way necessary for my new job as Assistant Principal. 49 days! That doesn't sound like much time to get done what I want to get done, especially given that my morning nap consisted of falling asleep after my husband left around 6:15 and not waking up until around 8:30. I'm never going to accomplish all that needs to be accomplished at that rate. Tomorrow, I will wake up with him, and stay up.

So, as I chronicle the "2008 Meinvent," here's the hard, cold reality:
49 days, minus 8 for a pseudo family reunion, leaving 43 days.
43 days, minus 2 for the All Write!!! Conference, leaving 39 days.
39 days, minus the I-don't-know-how-many days that will involve me in New Adminstrator Training...

Time's-a-wastin'. In no way do I mean to imply that the above-listed functions careening into my remaining days will be anything less than awesome, but the point remains, tempus fugit (no, I'm not cussing, it's Latin for "time flies.")

Here's what my meinvent will entail (parenthetical phrases are the "why"):

1. Blogging at least 3 times a week (to focus my reflections, work on my writing craft, and to be accountable)
2. Exercising for at least 1/2 hour every day, including weekends (because I'm not in optimum physical condition)
3. Liquidating ANY unnecessary items from our house (there's too much junk residing here)
4. Organizing and Consolidating my leadership and curriculum information (see #3)
5. Making more time for my girl friends (all work and no play makes Ingrid dull girl)
6. Finishing and Marketing the Flip (as it should've been marketed soon after my last blog entry...pathetic that we still own it)
7. Putting new garage doors on Quad (so I can sell it)
8. Upgrading Sara's old apartment and re-rentingit (so I can sell make the mortgage as I prepare to sell it)
9. Putting new flooring in Rosie's apartment ('cause I told her I'd do it 6 months ago)
10. Excavating the sewer pipe and inserting a clean out (so we won't get you-know-what backed up the pipes)
11. Moving into my new-oh-wait-I've-never-had-one-before office (so I can effectively do my job)
12. Eating Healthier (see #2)
13. Preparing to "move" (so that when we add on to our house I can find things as necessary)
14. Organizing and Consolidating tools and other stuff at our house (see #3 and #13)
15. Learning about my new job (to go in over-prepared, like I prefer)
16. Reading the 2 books I borrowed from Jeff, the one I borrowed from Sarah, and any other book I can cram into my available time (because I love reading/learning)
17. Cooking for and spending more time with the hubby (because we team play)
18. Finishing up a couple loose ends for my internship (because I don't leave a job undone)
19. I reserve #19 and #20 for the things that come up that I didn't account for...
I think that about covers it. If it doesn't pertain to any of the above, then it won't make the cut for what to do in a day's time. Stay tuned, if you want for an Improving Me.


Sarah Amick said...

Girl, don't you know that when you set goals they have to be realistic! Geez, you'll be busy!!!!! Anyhoo, if anyone can accomplish all this then you are the girl. Think of me when you are stressed I am the lazy mother sitting on the side of the pool watching her children enjoy the summer!! (ha, ha, ha!)
See you at All Write!!!!

Kathy Douglas said...

Hey, woman! Sarah is right. You are going to be Super Woman. Glad you had Summer Institute on that list and hope I'm one of the "girlfriends" who is lucky enough to get to spend time with you! It was wonderful reading what has been happening with you lately!